Thursday, June 23, 2005


Chandy tells this story about the way her day ended at the mission yesterday.

She helps run the children's program during the summer. On average, about 45 kids a day are coming to the "Underground" for lunch, Bible study, connect time, and playing.

More about that cool program later, this story has to do with potatoes, or maybe gold.

A Food Bank delivery yesterday afternoon included sacks of potatoes that needed to be distributed quickly (because they were close to rotten).

The potatoes were offered to the kids going home. Some took a couple in each hand. Some hauled off five pound bags.

One five year old boy dragged two bags all of the way home. How many times have I dumped a potatoe from my well-stocked pantry because of a sprout or because it was a little too soft?

Potatoes or gold?

Chandy was left with the image of standing at the corner of 9th and McKinley watching kids walk home in every direction, with their gifts of potatoes to their families.

..."If you have food, share it with those who are hungry." Luke 3:11


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