Monday, July 18, 2005

Recap from Liberia, chapter 1

The following is the first of two excerprts from a report written by Bro. David M. Kolleh, Evangelist, Gbarnga Church of Christ
Gbarnga City, Bong County, Liberia, about Don and Martha's trip this spring. He gave the report to them when they were returning home and asked them not to read until they were back in Oklahoma.

Bro. Don and Sis. Martha Bryant, Missionaries with the Cross & Crown Mission of Oklahoma City, OK, Return from a Mission Tour to Liberia

Nearly 20 years ago, American missionaires traveling to Liberia had only stopped in Monrovia. But the Bryants braved the storm when they arrived in Liberia on April 17, 2005, at the invitation of the Suakoko Church of Christ where Bro. Fungbeh D. Karmue works as a missionary. Bro. Karmue and his wife, Sis. Neyor, are members of the Argyle Church of Christ in Jacksonville, FL.

After a two-day rest at the Karmue's residence in Monrovia and a visit to the American Embassy near Monrovia, the Bryants and their host drove up country on April 20, 2005, some 123 miles from the capital city of Monrovia. They were welcomed by a jubilant crowd of believers who had come to receive them. Immediately upon arrival, an intercessory service was held.

Traditionally, the local government official represented by the clan chief welcomed Bro. Bryant and his wife, Martha. As a token of purity in line with tradition, a white kola nut was presented to the American missionaries indicating that they were now citizens and should feel free and do whatever they have come to do in Liberia. The Chief appealed to Bro. Bryant to pray for non-believers, especially the Muslims, that they would come to know Jesus as their personal Savior.

In a brief remark, Bro. Bryant expressed his delight an appreciation for the reception accorded him and his wife. He said that they were glad to be in Liberia despire the horrible and discouraging news they had to overcome at home before making the trip. He promised to take back what he had seen and heard as well as the love and willingness of the people of Liberia to serve God despite their suffering.

At the end of the intercessory service, the Bryants got to business by catering to the little children. Sis. Martha Bryant, who has a great love and interest for children, bought two tarpaulins to spread on the ground to host a VBS for hundreds of kids in five days from morning to evening. She distributed VBS materials and gift items. In response to the physical needs of these kids, the Bryants made available a 100-pound bag of rice and carton of fish to prepare meals for the kids in five days. This gesture was the first of a kind in the history of any religious gathering in the country. The feeding of these kids relieved parents who hardly can provide for their households. Sis. Martha, who was never too busy to fulfill her God given task, conducted a three-day VBS with an orphanage on Sugar Hill in Gbarnga, which brought together over eighty kids. She participated in the graduation program where several of the kids received awards. On Sunday, May 1, 200, she had a good time with the kids at the Lofa Road Church of Christ and the Gbarnga congregation. Play toys were distributed to over two hundred kids.

For his part, Bro. Don Bryant addressed the delegates of the Crusade on April 22 at which time he admonished all members to work together as a team to accomplish mission work. He pointed out that for mission work to be successful it requires the full involvement of each members irrespective of their function, adding, "every part of the body is important without which the whole body cannot function." He spoke on the theme, "The Importance of MIssion work in Soul winning."

In line with his mission strategy, the Bryants and the Karmues set up an emergency clinic where delegates attending the crusade and over one thousand residents of Suakoko benefitted. About USD $1,000 worth of drugs were distributed free of charge. This gesture by our American missionaries clearly demonstrated the Christ-like spirit. Truly, compassion and proclamation work together.

Next post: The Bryants Tour the Interior of Liberia


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